잔글편집 요약 없음
잔글편집 요약 없음
4번째 줄: 4번째 줄:

이런 일을 다시 겪지 않으려면 세계적으로 인류를 위협하는 [[중국 공산당]] 해체 운동에 들어갈 필요가 있다.
이런 일을 다시 겪지 않으려면 세계적으로 인류를 위협하는 [[중국 공산당]] 해체 운동에 들어갈 필요가 있다.
* [Coronavirus Compensation? Assessing China's Potential Culpability and Avenues of Legal Response.] - Henry Jackson Society 5th April 2020
{{인용문|Global lawsuits against China for “patent breaches” of the International Health Regulations over its handling of COVID-19 could run to at least £3.2 trillion from just the nations of the G7, according to a newly released report.
The report claims that the Chinese government’s early handling of the disease and failure to adequately report information to the WHO breached Articles Six and Seven of the International Health Regulations [IHRs], a Treaty to which China is a signatory and legally obliged to uphold.  These breaches allowed the outbreak to rapidly spread outside Wuhan, its place of origin.
In particular, our research has discovered that the Chinese government:
Failed to disclose data that would have revealed evidence of human-to-human transmission for a period of up to three weeks from being aware of it, in breach of Articles six and seven of the IHRs.
Provided the WHO with erroneous information about the number of infections between 2 January 2020 and 11 January 2020, in breach of Articles Six and Seven of the IHRs.
Failed to proscribe avoidable vectors of lethal zoonotic (animal-originated) viral infection, instead actively promoting the massive proliferation of dangerous viral host species for human consumption in breach of Article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.
Allowed 5 million people (roughly equivalent to the size of The San Francisco Metropolitan Area, CA or Greater Boston, MA in the USA, and roughly five times the size of a city the size of Birmingham, UK) to leave Wuhan before imposing the lockdown on 23 January 2020 despite knowledge of human-to-human transmission.}}

* [https://kr.theepochtimes.com/%e7%be%8e%eb%b3%b4%ec%88%98%eb%8b%a8%ec%b2%b4-%e4%b8%ad%ec%a0%95%eb%b6%80%ec%97%90-20%ec%a1%b0-%eb%8b%ac%eb%9f%ac-%ec%86%90%ed%95%b4%eb%b0%b0%ec%83%81-%ec%86%8c%ec%86%a1-%eb%af%b8%ea%b5%ad-%ec%8b%9c_526150.html 美보수단체, 中정부에 20조 달러 손해배상 소송 “미국 시민 죽음 초래”] 에포크타임스 2020년 4월 3일
* [https://kr.theepochtimes.com/%e7%be%8e%eb%b3%b4%ec%88%98%eb%8b%a8%ec%b2%b4-%e4%b8%ad%ec%a0%95%eb%b6%80%ec%97%90-20%ec%a1%b0-%eb%8b%ac%eb%9f%ac-%ec%86%90%ed%95%b4%eb%b0%b0%ec%83%81-%ec%86%8c%ec%86%a1-%eb%af%b8%ea%b5%ad-%ec%8b%9c_526150.html 美보수단체, 中정부에 20조 달러 손해배상 소송 “미국 시민 죽음 초래”] 에포크타임스 2020년 4월 3일

2020년 4월 8일 (수) 08:06 판

우한 폐렴 발생 사실을 두 달 동안 은폐하여 각국이 대비할 시간도 없이 전세계적으로 창궐하게 만든 주범인 중국을 상대로 집단 소송이 시작되었다.

한국의 우한 폐렴 피해자들도 중국을 상대로 집단 소송을 시작하고, 국내 중국 자산에 대한 가압류부터 시작하는 것이 좋을 것이다.

이런 일을 다시 겪지 않으려면 세계적으로 인류를 위협하는 중국 공산당 해체 운동에 들어갈 필요가 있다.

  • [Coronavirus Compensation? Assessing China's Potential Culpability and Avenues of Legal Response.] - Henry Jackson Society 5th April 2020
Global lawsuits against China for “patent breaches” of the International Health Regulations over its handling of COVID-19 could run to at least £3.2 trillion from just the nations of the G7, according to a newly released report.

The report claims that the Chinese government’s early handling of the disease and failure to adequately report information to the WHO breached Articles Six and Seven of the International Health Regulations [IHRs], a Treaty to which China is a signatory and legally obliged to uphold. These breaches allowed the outbreak to rapidly spread outside Wuhan, its place of origin.

In particular, our research has discovered that the Chinese government: Failed to disclose data that would have revealed evidence of human-to-human transmission for a period of up to three weeks from being aware of it, in breach of Articles six and seven of the IHRs. Provided the WHO with erroneous information about the number of infections between 2 January 2020 and 11 January 2020, in breach of Articles Six and Seven of the IHRs. Failed to proscribe avoidable vectors of lethal zoonotic (animal-originated) viral infection, instead actively promoting the massive proliferation of dangerous viral host species for human consumption in breach of Article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.

Allowed 5 million people (roughly equivalent to the size of The San Francisco Metropolitan Area, CA or Greater Boston, MA in the USA, and roughly five times the size of a city the size of Birmingham, UK) to leave Wuhan before imposing the lockdown on 23 January 2020 despite knowledge of human-to-human transmission.
Freedom Watch is seeking $20 trillion in damages from China for harming Americans, but the Communist superpower is unlikely to pay.

2 Palm Beach County residents listed as plaintiffs