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12번째 줄: 12번째 줄:

* [https://kr.theepochtimes.com/%ec%98%81%ea%b5%ad-%ec%a0%95%eb%b6%80-%eb%b6%84%eb%85%b8-%ea%b7%b9%ec%97%90-%eb%8b%ac%ed%96%88%eb%8b%a4-%ec%a4%91%ea%b5%ad%ea%b3%bc-%ec%b2%ad%ec%82%b0%ed%95%a0-%ea%b2%83-%ed%99%94%ec%9b%a8_525688.html?utm_source=dable “영국 정부, 분노 극에 달했다…사태 끝나면 중국과 청산” 화웨이 5G 퇴출도 시사] 에포크타임스 2020년 3월 30일
* [https://kr.theepochtimes.com/%ec%98%81%ea%b5%ad-%ec%a0%95%eb%b6%80-%eb%b6%84%eb%85%b8-%ea%b7%b9%ec%97%90-%eb%8b%ac%ed%96%88%eb%8b%a4-%ec%a4%91%ea%b5%ad%ea%b3%bc-%ec%b2%ad%ec%82%b0%ed%95%a0-%ea%b2%83-%ed%99%94%ec%9b%a8_525688.html?utm_source=dable “영국 정부, 분노 극에 달했다…사태 끝나면 중국과 청산” 화웨이 5G 퇴출도 시사] 에포크타임스 2020년 3월 30일
* [https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/opinion/article/3077978/chinas-coronavirus-victory-and-britains-threat-reckoning-show-two China’s coronavirus ‘victory’ and Britain’s threat of a ‘reckoning’ show two countries out of touch with the post-Covid-19 future] Rana Mitter (Oxford 대 교수), South China Morning Post 3 Apr, 2020
:If a post-Brexit Britain wants change in China, it needs to think about what that change is – and whether it has enough friends left who share those views
:But China, too, should reflect on why a warm relationship has suddenly turned cold
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV5mXwt0BVI 중국,승리찬가!서방세계열받았다] 안교수의바깥세상톡톡 2020. 4. 5.


2020년 4월 18일 (토) 18:32 판

국제적인 탈중국 움직임

It’s by now beyond clear that China is no partner to the United States. A difficult, but necessary, separation lies ahead.


If a post-Brexit Britain wants change in China, it needs to think about what that change is – and whether it has enough friends left who share those views
But China, too, should reflect on why a warm relationship has suddenly turned cold


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