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트루스포럼(Truth Forum)은 대한민국의 보수우파 대학생들의 동아리의 이름명이다. 현재 전국 30여개정도의 대학에서 활동중이며 모임을 설립한 서울대학교 트루스포럼 김은구 대표가 트루스포럼 연합을 운영하고 있다.


Political positions may differ, but we believe everyone shares a common thirst for truth. This truth is our guiding light. And this truth will amend our divisions and restore our nation to move forward.

Truth Forum started as an intercollegiate organization that was born out of a sense of urgent crisis where false inflammatory politics have come to the point of undermining the very foundation of the Republic of Korea. Truth Forum acknowledges the proud history of the Republic of Korea’s founding and economic growth which our forefathers have accomplished in toil and blood, while recognizing our remaining task to be the liberation of North Korea. For this task, we support a strong ROK-US alliance which was forged in shared values of freedom and truth. We also believe that the impeachment of President Park was wrong because it was engineered based on false information and agitation by media.

Truth Forum is open to all who share our five common beliefs regardless of religion, but it maintains adherence to the Judeo-Christian worldview. Upon the Christian conservative understanding which continues to play a critical role in the western conservative movement including in the United States, Truth Forum seeks to conduct research, educate and publicize ideas, visions and policies accordingly, while growing into a think tank that nurtures next generation leaders in various spheres of society..

Thank you.

David Eunkoo Kim, President of Truth Forum

우리의 믿음

1. Appreciation of the foundation of the Republic of Korea

The birth and growth of South Korea is a miracle that will decorate the pages of world history. The Republic of Korea was born in the turbulent aftermath of the Second World War through prophetic leaders such as Syngman Rhee with God’s blessings. Unlike North Korea, the Republic of Korea adopted liberal democracy and free market system to achieve remarkable growth and prosperity. Peter Drucker who is dubbed ‘the man who invented management’ referred to South Korea’s economic development led by president Park Chung-hee as the greatest miracle of mankind since the Second World War.

However, such extraordinary account of our Republic is maliciously distorted by those who deny its very foundation. It is our duty to correctly understand and convey the history of our forefathers to the coming generations.

2. Liberation of North Korea 

Brutal crimes against humanity are being committed at this very moment by the North Korean regime in a systematic, widespread and grave manner throughout the country. The atrocity of human rights violations occurring in North Korea has no parallel in the contemporary world. It is now the longest running totalitarian state system passed on through three generations of the Kim family. The reality of North Korea’s brutality is attested by the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. 

Unfortunately, however, there are still followers of the North Korean regime within South Korea who neglect this reality and idealize the North Korean system. Their ‘sunshine’ policy of appeasement has helped to sustain the brutal totalitarian dictatorship and prolong the suffering of the North Korean people. The liberation of the people in North Korea is our nation’s remaining task. Truth Forum will continue to promote the issue of North Korean human rights and expose those North Korean regime followers in South Korea to the international community to eventually bring freedom to the people in North Korea. 

3. Strong ROK-US Alliance 

Truth Forum supports a strong ROK-US alliance which is a bedrock of the Republic of Korea’s national security. The ROK-US alliance is a value alliance where the common values of freedom and truth are shared. United States’ noble sacrifice for freedom and truth on the Korean peninsula has not been in vain. The ROK-US alliance is forged in blood, and Korea owes its growth and prosperity to American commitment. We must continue to ‘go together’ in our shared values of freedom and truth. 

The communist Soviet Union which we together fought against is now in the ash heap of history. But other varieties of socialism have sprung up taking advantage of our free democracy and tolerance to destroy us from within. In South Korea, socialists fused with romantic nationalism have advocated for the slave-state of North Korea and incited anti-American sentiments to threaten free democracy and market economy. In the United States, socialism has found renewed footing among angry crowds to blind the American people with opportunistic populist policies masked in the name of ‘love’ and ‘peace’. We must confront this threat together. It is the lesson of history that a society where every individual can be free with dignity is only possible in free democracy and vibrant market economy. 

The United States should pay particular attention to the current political turmoil in South Korea, because the cultural and historical warfare in Korea is about our shared values of freedom and truth, and it is directly related to the United States’ own identity and value system. 

4. Wrongful Impeachment of President Park Geun-hye 

We remember the false inflammatory media frenzy that plagued the nation in the months leading up to the impeachment of president Park Geun-hye in March 2017. Contrary to media allegations and accusations, no ‘sex-tape’ of the president has surfaced and no slush funds of ‘880 trillion won’ have come to light. Without proper reflection on the impeachment based on fake news and incitement, no meaningful political reform is possible. 

Swayed by the false media instigations, the National Assembly voted in favor of the impeachment and the Constitutional Court made a political decision based on false news reports without factual evidence. Furthermore, we have since witnessed the abuse of the judicial courts as political tools by the ideologically biased judges and prosecutors who threaten the very identity of the Republic of Korea.

We must confront the media bias and disinformation currently rampant in South Korean society and base our discourses on truth. The media should be the source of factual reporting free of political calculations, but it has completely neglected to cover and/or distorted the massive flag rallies across Seoul in opposition to the impeachment. Truth Forum will continue to raise this issue of wrongful impeachment, not because of certain preference to president Park Geun-hye and her administration, but because we remember the false news allegations and the politically driven wrongful judicial procedures that led to her impeachment.

5. Christian Conservatism based on Judeo-Christian Worldview 

Truth Forum holds a Christian conservative understanding based on the Judeo-Christian worldview. While participation is open to all individuals regardless of religion, its members recognize that our organization is managed upon such assumption. 

Liberal theological strands such as minjung (people) theology and queer theology that indiscreetly adopt Marxism and postmodernism not only seriously distort the gospel but have become a core logic behind the leftist political movement. Liberation theology, or ‘Marxism in Christian disguise’, has developed into minjung theology, which has come to the point of revering Kim Il-sung (DPRK founder) as a god. Minjung theology is based on minjung democracy, or people’s democracy, which serves as the basis of support for Kimilsungism, or juche ideology. To correct such radical theologies is not only critical for the restoration of the Church and society but also directly relevant to our task of liberating North Korea. 

We are conservatives. We believe every person is created in the image of God and has dignity. We believe in freedom with responsibility and in truth. We humbly recognize human limitations and trust divine providence. We respect experiences and results with prudence rather than utopian social engineering. It is a lesson of history that only free democracy and free market system ensure prosperity with freedom and dignity.


[뉴데일리]기사를 참고하였다.

  • 2017년 2월 24일: 서울대학교에서 김은구 대표가 '탄핵반대 서울대인 연대'명의로 박근혜 전 대통령 탄핵사태의 문제점을 지적하는 대자보를 부착하면서 시작했다. 거짓 선동에 휘둘리는 나라 상황을 걱정하는 크리스찬 학생들을 중심으로 '다니엘 기도회'를 구성하여 기도모임을 시작했고, 탄핵사태가 진행되는 동안 '탄핵반대 서울대인 연대' 명의의 대자보를 부착했다.
  • 2017년 4월: 헌법재판소의 탄핵판결이 인용된 후, 좌경화 된 대학사회를 바로잡기 위해 목적으로 트루스포럼 강연을 시작했다. 서울대 트루스포럼의 페이스북 계정도 이때 만들어졌다.
  • 2017년 10월: 전국 트루스포럼 대학동맹 Truth Alliance 모집을 시작했다. 트루스포럼 연합을 트루스 얼라이언스로 부른다.
  • 2017년 12월: 고대 트루스포럼의 대표 조평세가 박근혜 전 대통령의 탄핵 1주기를 맞아서 문재인 대통령을 비판하는 대자보를 게시하였다.
  • 2019년 2월: 국회에서 박근혜 전 대통령 탄핵에 대해 탄핵질의서를 국회의원들에게 직접 전달하였다.

트루스포럼 링크

[트루스포럼 유튜브]

[서울대학교 트루스포럼]

[고려대학교 트루스포럼]

[이대 트루스포럼]

[총신대학교 트루스포럼]

[인하대 트루스포럼]

[서울신대 트루스포럼]

[세종대,건국대연합 트루스포럼]


극우표현의 무분별한 남용에 대응하기 위해 고소

  • 극우표현의 무분별한 남용에 대응하기 위해 고소를 진행합니다.트루스포럼을 극우로 매도한 언론사와 기자들에 대해서도 대응하도록 하겠습니다.


사건에서 피고소인은 고소인을 가리켜 ‘극우사상을 가진 학생들’이라 칭하였습니다. 극우사상을 가진 사람들의 행동 특징은 민주적 절차 보다는 물리적 행동을 통해 자신들의 뜻을 관철 시키려는 모습을 보이고 극우가 가진 뚜렸한 행동 특성은 극좌와 마찬가지로 테러를 비롯한 폭력입니다.

극우는 나치, 파시즘과 같은 국가 사회주의 또는 민족 사회주의를 말합니다. 나치의 공식 명칭은 국가사회주의독일노동자당, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei입니다. 고소인은 국가 사회주의와는 아무런 관계가 없습니다. 오히려 민족을 강조하며 사회주의적 환상에 빠져있는 사람들에 대해 심각한 우려를 가지고 있습니다. 또한 탄핵사태에 대해 부정적인 인식을 공유하고 있는 것이 고소인을 국가 사회주의자로 만드는 것도 아닙니다. 나치, 파시즘과 같은 국가사회주의는 국가적 통제를 실현하기 위해 거대정부를 구성하지만 고소인이 표방하는 (기독교) 보수주의는 시장의 질서를 존중하고 개인의 책임 있는 자유를 보장하기 위해 작은 정부를 지지한다는 점에서도 서로 큰 차이가 있습니다.

결국에 피고소인은 고소인을 ‘극우사상을 가진 학생들’이라 말함으로써 순수한 학생자치단체인 고소인을 테러를 비롯한 폭력으로써 자신들의 생각을 표출하는 폭력단체, 테러단체, 비민주단체로 매도한 것이며, 이는 피고소인의 고소인에 대한 경멸적 감정을 표현한 것입니다.

미국에서 한국의 대통령탄핵과 부정선거 알림

트루스포럼은 미국에서 세미나를 개최하였다. 타라 오 박사는 윤석열 대통령의 12.3 비상계엄의 목적을 설명하고 있다. 스크린에는 헌법재판관 8인의 사진을 보며 문형배 헌법재판소장 권한대행을 비롯한 우리법연구회등 좌편향 판사들 4명이 화면의 상단에 배치되어 있다. 이들은 탄핵을 찬성하는 자들로 종북 주사파 더불어민주당과 결을 같이하고 있다는 의혹이다. 
2025년 2월 25일 미국 워싱턴 D.C. 트루스포럼 유튜브 채널 캡처 

미국 현지시간 2025년 2월 25일 미국 워싱턴 D.C.에 위치한 공산주의 희생자 박물관에서 '대한민국 체제 전복 위험: 반국가 세력 북한과 중국 공산당'의 주제로 세미나를 개최했다. 문형배 헌법재판관은 미국에서도 포르노 자료가 있는 카페 댓글을 지우는 파렴치한으로 미국 대륙에서도 이름을 알렸다

